Buy Time

Turning Dreams to Reality: Mensur Pudic on Mastering the Mindset

September 28, 2023 Jacob K. Mead Season 1 Episode 13

What if you could shatter mental barriers and supercharge your personal growth? Renowned mindset coach, Munsur Pudic, brings his wisdom to the table as we delve into the power of the mind and how it shapes our path to success. We unpack the significance of self-understanding, accountability, and emotional investment in our goals. Take a peek into the intriguing world of energy manipulation and its role in focusing our desires and ambitions. 

Listen as we venture into the realm of teamwork, mentorship, and fear management. Learn how to build a strong, collaborative team, and why surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can significantly impact your journey. We discuss the role of mentors and coaches in developing mental awareness and confidence, and how confronting and overcoming your fears can lead to unprecedented personal growth. Don't miss out on this enlightening episode where we discover that both positive and negative experiences can foster significant personal growth.

Until next time... Follow on Instagram @buytimepodcast
Follow Jacob K. Mead on all the socials @jacobkmead

Jacob K. Mead:

Hey everybody, this is Jacob K Mead and this is the Buy Time podcast, where we discuss everything there is to know about buying back your time. Be sure to like and follow and share with somebody who needs to buy back their time. Enjoy today's episode.

Jacob K. Mead:

Welcome back to another episode of the Buy Time podcast. I'm your host, jacob K Mead, and I'm excited that you're here today because we actually have a really special guest. Some of that I've known for a while and they've been able to help me in my personal life and really my business growth, and I wouldn't be where I am today without this person in my life. So this is such an important episode for everyone to listen to. I have Minster Pudich here and he is a mindset coach, a speaker, and overall he has helped me tremendously in my business and my personal growth. So why don't you go ahead and start by telling us a little bit about yourself? You know?

Mensur Pudic:

Jacob, thank you for having me on. First of all, you know I've just been on this journey and you know you've seen me on the podcast and you know I'm a motivational speaker, mindset coach and mentor as you mentioned Just in golf, to succeed and have these big goals. And you know, living in the United States, you know everything's possible.

Jacob K. Mead:

It's awesome. You know there's so much opportunity here in the United States. So what brought you here? How did you first get into the United States?

Mensur Pudic:

So you know a little bit about it. But you know, in the early 90s we experienced, you know, war, which we referred to as the Bosnian genocide. You know, and a lot of people asked me, you know what's my why and when I started this development roller coaster that I engulfed. It's like people died so I could live. So there's nothing that's going to stop me from fulfilling, you know, the life and the dreams that I have to build, not just for me but for my country and for my people, and you know even the ones that didn't make it, that gave me an opportunity to be here.

Jacob K. Mead:

Oh man, yeah, it's, and it's powerful. When you see that you can make anything happen, especially here, you realize that you can really do it. As long as you put your mind to it, you can do it. So you really teach a lot on mindset. So what are some things that you can share with our audience that you've learned? That kind of helps you stay focused.

Mensur Pudic:

Sure, absolutely. One of the things that you know when you talk about mindset is you have to, you have to understand how we are. We're like a sponge, you know, and everything we basically learn from up to seven years of our life. Right, we have the conscious mind, you know, and then we have the subconscious mind that actually has our programming and our conditioning and over the years it's so reinforced that most people don't grow out of that. You know they always act the same, they talk the same. You know they want to stay in that comfort zone because it's something that we know.

Mensur Pudic:

And when I, when I, teach mindset, it's all about growth, because if you want to change, if you want to develop or become a new version of you, you have to change the way you think. And everything starts with, with a thought. It leads to you know what habits you have, what do you want to execute, what do you want to have for a goal, and stuff like that. So it's very, it's very important to have that mindset under wraps for yourself, that you haven't understand them, who you really are, before you go chase whatever it is in the world that you want to create or become.

Jacob K. Mead:

That's awesome. I think that's so important to know, because we've seen so many kids that are graduating high school and as soon as they get out of high school, like I have to know what I want to do in my life and it's like no, you don't. You don't actually know it know what you want to do. There's actually a podcast out there called the decision day podcast and I love listening to it, you know, because it really talks about that. You don't have to know what you want to do right outside of high school because you're just graduating. The world's yet to figure out. You know, you can take time to figure out what you want to do, and it's important. I think it's awesome that it's important to figure out what you are yourself before you want to figure out what you want to be, Absolutely.

Mensur Pudic:

And it's one of the things that nothing changes unless you change right, and all the growth that we go undergo, it's within us. But that growth, in those mental barriers we have such as you know we have limiting beliefs where do they come? Most of it come from the environment and the people that you're around. You know. Some of it's biological where it comes from your parents, right, but it's if you question yourself, where do you get some of those thoughts? That's when you're really digging down into your psyche of how is it that you're programmed, how do you have to look things? You know, and it's easier when we talk about mindset and going through the growth.

Mensur Pudic:

It's so easy when somebody else messes up that we never take accountability. For you know, how could I approach this situation? What did I learn from this situation? What would I have done different? And all of those leave clues on how you can develop yourself. You know, moving forward, long as you have awareness to catch it. Now you can kind of reprogram yourself and still get to your destination. You know you can change the plan, but the goal must not change.

Jacob K. Mead:

The goal can never change, never change. You gotta stay focused on that goal. That's gonna be hard, though, because I know in my life, and especially my personal journey and my business journey, that I've gone on you almost hit these obstacles, and sometimes you have that feeling of I can't do this, you know, and you have that feeling of I want to give up. Now, with me, I've been able to overcome that and say, no, I'm not going to let it stop me, I will do whatever it takes to get through that obstacle. There could be a giant boulder in my path and the only way was through it. Now I'd figure out a way to go get a jackhammer and chisel through it, and that's the kind of mindset I have now, but it wasn't always like that.

Jacob K. Mead:

I can remember back in my younger days and my early days of starting my business, where I would hit these obstacles and I feel so defeated. I would feel like there was no way around it, and I would get stuck in this almost depressed state of that. I don't know what I'm gonna do, and it was so hard to overcome that. So I love that you talk about saying focus on your goal and making sure that you're able to overcome those obstacles. So what are some? When we're talking about obstacles you know there's always obstacles in life yeah, everywhere we look we have a goal and we think it's going to be a straight path to that goal. It never is, never is it never is a straight path to the goal. So what are some? Is there any tips or advice that you can give our audience to kind of overcome that?

Mensur Pudic:

Absolutely. You know, when you're working at a goal, before you set that goal you have to be willing to tell yourself what am I willing to sacrifice for this goal? A lot of people set these goals but they're not willing to sacrifice. So that means from the beginning they're not willing to be open and honest with themselves. You know. But when you, when you set down your goal, you want to make sure that you have your energy there. And the reason I talk about energy is every decision that we make is based on a feeling and emotion. So you want to make sure that you're very emotionally involved to the goal or whatever it is that you want out of life that has that emotion, because when you come to those we call them mental barriers, your emotion is going to take you over those because you're going to be able to overcome it. And that's kind of a force field and a energy protection that you put around yourself that can kind of consume all the negative, negatives, that you're willing to take them and you keep moving forward.

Mensur Pudic:

And some things that I recommend people do and even when I coach is I make sure that they write out their goal and they put it in their pocket and they carry it with them. And the reason for that is, subconsciously, our mind remembers everything, and if you read that two, three times a day, every day morning, you know, midday and night you're going to start believing what it is that you're reading, and we often believe even the things that aren't true. But if you believe that we're your programming yourself for success, that's exactly what you're going to deliver, because that's what you're going to look for. You see, our mind only works towards a target that we have, and most people don't have a target until somebody brings it to their attention. And then you know, everywhere they look, they see it. You know and Tony Robbins talks about that.

Jacob K. Mead:

You know, somebody sees a car and the next thing, you know, they see all of them you know, and we have something called a reticular activating system.

Mensur Pudic:

That's exactly what the mind does and then it starts looking for that same way. As you have a goal, you're going to start attracting people that you need. You're going to attract that energy that you need and that support group and everything, and before you know it, they're going to help you with those mental barriers where you can overcome that.

Jacob K. Mead:

So, oh, I love it. I love the car analogy because it's so true. You buy a new car and it's like, yeah, you feel awesome, but then you look around like wait a minute, everyone else has this exact same car. I've never seen it before. It's because your mind's constantly thinking about it and it sees it now, and so I think it's so important just to have that mindset and to know that, hey, it's going to work out, and have a little faith in the process too. Absolutely, have a little bit of faith. You're going to need it. You're going to put your mind to an extra make it happen. And one of the things I do is I you know, you mentioned carrying around that note in your pocket, so I keep a note on my iPhone and the first thing I do in the morning is I look at it and it's the person that I want to be, it's the person that I am trying to become.

Mensur Pudic:


Jacob K. Mead:

I read it to myself and I am that person. When I read it to myself, I am that person. It just helps me through the day and then before I go to bed at night, it's the same thing. This is where I want to go, this is where I want to be in life, and I've set goals outside of my complete limitations. And actually that was thanks to you, because you had a phone call with me one day and I remember I was telling you some ideas and you're like think bigger. And I was like I can't think any bigger than this. This is already bigger. You're like think bigger. And so I thought bigger. And then things started to happen.

Jacob K. Mead:

Six months later I was. I was making changes. Yeah, absolutely, it's all thanks to having those mentors. And you know, for myself, I spend a lot of money not only on mentors but business coaches, and I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't, because you know I coach and I have workshops and I do all of that. But I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't attend those and become a better person myself. And so have you gone to any events or anything that that you've done to kind of help better yourself as a person?

Mensur Pudic:

Absolutely, and one of the things I've always been. You know I've always been chasing growth. You know I have my associate, bachelor's, master's degree. That was more of the system, so to say doing things that you know mom and dad wanted me to go to school because they didn't have that opportunity and that was something that you know. I took the heart, but I also, you know, wanted to focus on me and all of our growth is internal and it's like, you know, how do I see the world, why do I see it this way? You know what can I do to develop and you know I had a lot of mentors myself. You know I had an opportunity to talk to Les Brown, who happens to be the highest paying motivational speaker for the past 30 years, and, you know, connected with the top 10% sales consultant in the world, john Tolerico, and you know with their experience.

Mensur Pudic:

For you know, people talk about money and, yes, it gets costly, but when you look at it, for how much time you're actually saving, you can make up the money. You know you can learn strategies, you can learn processes where the money comes back, and that's where most people stop. This is too expensive, which you know they haven't sold anything to move towards it. They just kind of give up. It's the first thing that comes onto their mind.

Mensur Pudic:

And you know, if you stay within that mentality, you'll never change and most people will go through their life skipping and then have, you know, have a recollection of what is it that I could have done, you know, and have these regrets later on, and you know we don't have time. Skills can be learned, processes can be learned. You know products can be bought, it's just do you have the willingness to study? Do you have the willingness to actually chase what it is that you want? Learn your skills, learn your craft, you know, and think big, because it takes the same amount of energy to think small as it does big. So you might as well, you know, shoot for the sky 100%.

Jacob K. Mead:

I love that you talk about time in there. You know, it's so true, you've got to focus your energy where you want to go, and I I think I hear that excuse a lot is a lot of people say I didn't have time or I don't have time to do this, and I often will tell them well, I mean, what are you doing? Do you watch three hours of Netflix each night? Are you doing a you know movie marathon? What are you doing? Were you were you putting all of your time and energy.

Jacob K. Mead:

Because in order to make your goal a reality, you're going to have to make sacrifices, and that's one of the hardest things to do is. I think there's so many people out there that don't want to make these sacrifices. I know there's people out there that probably look at my direction and go well, how did he get what he, what he has? And a lot of that is because I sacrifice. I sacrificed those parties, I sacrificed being able to go out and I stayed home and I studied, I learned, I build new it, basically new skills, and I was able to utilize that. So it's awesome that you really dive in. You talk about that because it's so true. It's amazing what you can do with time.

Mensur Pudic:

And you know it's. It's when you talk about time. You know how people make the excuses. Believe them, even when it's not true, because what they're telling you is they're telling you their level of awareness that they have, and it's it's within their programming that they don't have time. And one of the exercises that I do was when people tell me because I hear it hey, I don't have time. And I tell them I'm like that's interesting. Billionaires that run, you know, world leading companies have time and you don't have time. Yet we all have the same, same punk right, and it's ticking. So write down the things that are taking your time.

Mensur Pudic:

And I think once people express that because we're very expressive once they write it on a piece of paper and they actually look at it and they see what it's costing them, you know they start to think differently because now they have something that they're visually looking at. You know we think in pictures that it's kind of, hey, what can I adjust? Can I make some time? And I just tell them focus on one habit, one thing that you can do.

Mensur Pudic:

An example people want to lose weight. Okay, every day, walk for half an hour every single day and then do it for a month. I tell them a month takes about two weeks to develop a habit, you know. But they get conditioned and then after that month what happens is they raise their vibration, you know. They lowered their weight. Typically, most people, if they walk and keep the same nutrition, they're gonna lose weight. They start feeling good and then they're like Wow, but now they understand that they're capable of doing so much more and they just needed to hop over that one hurdle for their kind of self esteem and confidence to go up and that's all people need.

Jacob K. Mead:

I mean, it's so true I can think back if you know something similar and when I was first getting in the sales it was such a big challenge for me. I hated sales at first, so I talk about it now in my podcast and I have, you know, episodes of that talk about how to really dive into sales. But at first I hated it, and the reason why I hated it was a couple things. One I hated that here in the word no, and I felt like that was a direct reflection upon me.

Jacob K. Mead:

So we'll dive into that. But then, second, I think I hated it because I just didn't know, let's say, how to connect or engage with my, with my customer. And once I was able to learn that and once I got that first sale, oh my gosh, it motivation right there it just skyrocketed. I was like I can actually do this. And everything you know is history now. But I can still remember my first sale and how hard it took me to get that. And then now I look back on it like it just comes naturally.

Jacob K. Mead:

I think anything you do differently in life you want to lose weight, you want to start a new business there's a sense of fear there that you can't do it. And it's a sense of fear, maybe, or like, what if I fail? And that's hard, it's very hard, it's so hard. It's the what if I fail? Man, I tell you, what if you fail? And some people is like, well, what if you succeed? It's like, yeah, what only thing you're thinking about right now is fail here. Yes, so what? Like how do you overcome that? Like what, what do you do that that can change your mindset. You're thinking, hey, what if I fail? But you know in reality that you can do this or you want to try this. What's something that someone can do?

Mensur Pudic:

So I mean you talk about mentors. Right, that's why you get mentors, because you have to get out of your head. That's when you collaborate with people. You know, when you start off your business on your own, it's stressful, it's painful. You're going through this, but you're growing from within and you're expressing everything in the outside world. You know you're kind of starting to put the pieces together of the business, but what you're really doing is you're putting pieces of yourself together within. You know. So you're learning. You know you know how to do contracts, how to network with people, how to sell. But when you, when you have mentors and you have these coaches, consultants, the time that they spent, you not only have your experience, experience you would have taken from books, podcasts you have real life experience that these people can teach you. You know in minutes and hours and they can say, hey, try this. And that way, you know, you start learning and I always call it. You know.

Mensur Pudic:

You're developing your mental awareness, people that are very confident, that know. You know how to set goals, what goals are, what it takes, what it takes not to get there. You know they have an understanding of every avenue somebody, somebody's mind can take. You know, but when you think about. You know, wanting to achieve something. You always have to have that vision that it's already yours, that you're already there, because that's the momentum that's going to help you develop habits, that's actually going to get you there. But if you think from the beginning that you know you can't do this or it's too hard or you're not going to be able to learn it, well you're already. You're already creating yourself a trap and you know we call that a negative vibration. So really give yourself an opportunity to open your thoughts. You know you got to love yourself. You'll make mistakes 100%.

Jacob K. Mead:

You know that's so hard to do, but I love that you talk about having that mentor there, having someone there, because I even need that. I get to a point where in my business or I'm like I can't do this anymore. I feel like I'm ready to give up, and so then I can message my coach and be like hey, so this is how I'm feeling, and they're like you got this. Like, let's look at differently, what are you struggling on? It's amazing, and now I love being able to help people with that. I've always been that person out there that's wanting to help people, and people like you'd give your shirt off, you're back to someone and it's true, I would. And the biggest thing I love to do is just help people and helping them through. You know that, that coaching of how to start their business or their struggles that they're going to have or their obstacles that they have in front of them, because sometimes it takes that outside source to actually see how to overcome that Absolutely. And I've noticed is it's like I can't see it, I'm blinded.

Mensur Pudic:

And then my coach comes in and says it's as simple as this and I'm like, oh man, I didn't see that, sure, and one of the things I think what makes you great in that field is you've been on the other side. So when you have customers, when you have clients and they're in that situation, you know exactly where they're at. You used to be in that state of mind, right, but now you're also getting you know. If you're talking to mentors and other coaches, it's like, hey, you can really get unstuck, hang on, let's, let's have a conversation. You know, and when you talk to somebody, we think we have a lot of problems because we amplify fear and we amplify problems.

Mensur Pudic:

But it's funny. When you talk to somebody, you ask people, you know well, how do you feel? And they're like well, I feel a little better. Why? Well, because you didn't hold it bottled in. You see, and that's one of those things you want to belong to a community. You want to, you want to be involved, right, where you have the people that have that same mindset that you know want to push, you want to help you grow, want to help you succeed, and you know it's it's it's what makes a difference in the long run. Really, the group of people and everybody in the motivational speaking realm and all the coaches they talk to. You know your five friends or the closest people by you, you know, and it's crazy how we start thinking and believing the same as they do. If because if you don't take control of your mind and really question yourself, you know you start acting that way and start developing these mental habits that you know you didn't even think about or know where they came from.

Jacob K. Mead:

Average of the five people hang around. I will never get that out of my head. You know I never. When I first started especially I graduated high school I never really thought that was true. I was like what do you mean? You're average five people to hang around there? There's, there's not any proof to this. And then I start really paying attention to the five people that hang around, like, oh my gosh, it's so true. You hang around five people that that that's dope, you're going to smoke. You hang around five people that are non smoking. Chances are you're going to stop smoking. Yeah, yeah, you know it's it's.

Jacob K. Mead:

I always am so cautious now of who I'm hanging around, who I'm spending my time with, what I'm listening to, what I'm consuming, cause I think it goes more into. You know digital media and stuff like that nowadays too, and so that's also part of the people that you're around. You know it may not be face to face, but online content, and that's awesome. I really dive into that. So I really like to tell business owners that time is so precious.

Jacob K. Mead:

It's one of the biggest assets out there that we have, and it's important that you understand that at such an early age, because it's one of the things where you can't get back. Once time is spent, there's absolutely no way to get it back versus money. Once that's spent, you can get money back at that time. And so I do a lot of coaching on how to buy back your time, how to, how to get to a point in your business where, if you're run without you, so that way you can focus on what you want to, whether that be you know family, whether that be other business adventures. So what are some ideas or what are some tricks and tips that you might have with time management?

Mensur Pudic:

You know we can't manage time, but we can manage tasks right. And that's one of those things when I started thinking and looking at my schedule at work. You know, and you know that I work for a world leading company in agriculture. When it comes to that time, it's like, hey, you've got to have a list of your priorities, right? What do you want to accomplish that day? Have a list of maybe five things Don't do it too many, because you're going to get overwhelmed and stressed. And then you want to put the most priority ones on top because you want to get those done first. You know, and sometimes it's okay to do something small, you know clean your desk, for example, and people say that makes a big difference.

Mensur Pudic:

And they ask why do you do that? Because we can only focus and give our attention span to one thing at a time and if you have a lot of things, they're taking your energy without even realizing it. But when you do something that's so small, we feel, you know, like we've accomplished something. That's just a little energy boost that you need and that will set the tone for your day. You know where you're uplifted already. You know that's one of those things you want to have when you talk about time and you talk about you know how much is it really costing people by not doing what it is that they want to do, or not doing what they should be doing within their business. And that might be a message in a consultant that can say, hey, you're spending way more than you would is, if you hired me on and actually develop the strategy, that's gonna actually put money back into your pocket. You know.

Mensur Pudic:

And one of those things that people always say you know, well, I don't want to go into debt. Well, your objective is not to go into that. You know it's does everybody fall into at one point or another? Absolutely, you know. But the thing is it's you can develop all the skills, all the strategies as I mentioned before To get out of that and pave your way. You know I ain't had a lot of debt when I got out of, when I got out of college, you know, but I didn't go to college to stay in debt. You know it's like, hey, you can't just do what school's teaching you. That's half the battle. The other half the battle is, you know, you got to put yourself out there and Make sure that you back for yourself. You know, because, as you know, there's not Gonna be handed to you.

Jacob K. Mead:

Out there and do it, make the difference. Here looks so much now as everyone's oh, the economy is different and things aren't the way it used to be. No, it's not. Yeah, but you don't have to be the way you used to be either. Get out there and make a difference. Yeah, change your mind set absolutely in time.

Mensur Pudic:

You know, I always tell people you want to write things down. Write things down, because what happens is when you start writing, you start imprinting. But that gives you a sense of accountability, a sense of control, and we, as humans, we like that. You know, nobody likes somebody to say, hey, you have a meeting and you only have five minutes. You're gonna scramble you. They already put you in a stressful state. But if you write things down and you stay committed, what, what's gonna happen with that? You're also gonna build discipline. Right, you're gonna build discipline and if you build discipline in time, you're gonna learn how to utilize that time. You know It'd be effective with it.

Jacob K. Mead:

Oh my gosh, I you know. It's so true that you think about back in the time when they make you write up on the chalkboard I will not throw spitballs ever again and they make you write it 50 times. Yeah, I did, stuck with you. You never did it again. That's right. It's like I never do it again because I don't want to do the writing. Or did I never do it again Cuz it got it grained in me? Either way, it works. So I think writing down and I think physically writing it down, and not just necessarily using your phone, but actually basically writing it down, and so something I do is more like a journal, and so I am not perfect at it. So I don't journal every single day, but I try to, especially on the tough days. It's important to journal on tough days and good sure.

Jacob K. Mead:

But I'm tough days. I'll write down kind of obstacles, how I'm feeling, and then at the end of the day kind of what I did to Kind of overcome that and it's awesome to be able to look back on it. And just a couple weeks ago actually, my daughter found my journal, so I was reading her kind of through my journal some ways overcome things and just awesome to see, especially when there's little kids, because they kind of you're their mentor. Absolutely. It's crazy that you're their mentor and it's just I love having children because they kind of show you where you need improvements in your life.

Mensur Pudic:

Yeah, and the thing is is about kids. They don't. They don't think of fear, they don't think how it's not gonna work.

Jacob K. Mead:

You know, they don't. They put their mind something like I'm gonna do this.

Mensur Pudic:

Yes, you see your, you see your kid. They don't. They don't think about talking themselves out of anything, you know. And when they look at their parents they think their parents know everything and have everything figured out, you know. But it's why kids are so fascinated and the biggest difference between kids and adults is they're fascinated and we're gold organ goal seeking organisms. Right, kids want to go out there, they want to try new things, they want to explore. And you know we're always telling them Don't touch that, don't do that, you know. But they're exploring, you know, as we get older we stop exploring because that comfort those mental paradigms, those, you know, habits, the negative feedback We've gotten in our life kind of been so ingrained in us. You know, it's like a computer. Yeah, it's very tough to get out.

Jacob K. Mead:

Of it's like we almost have this sense of Comfort. Which comfort is just, I feel, like a disguise, like there's really no such thing as comfort. I'm starting to live in the fear. I'm not in fear, but I'm starting to live in more of the idea of get comfortable being uncomfortable. Yep, absolutely. I love that. I can't remember who I heard first say that, but it's. It's basically resonated with me the entire time. Now as I was thinking Okay, I want to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Jacob K. Mead:

So if something starts to make me uncomfortable, like, okay, what is what is it? What's in it for me? Like, I'm gonna go for it. I've always gravitated towards something that's like makes me scared. So if there's like a new business idea or if there's something personal in my life like that's that might be fearful, I'm like I'm gonna go do it. Yeah, and which is wrong reason why I do skydiving I got my accelerator free fall and it's it's I just I go for it because it's Something that most people find fearful and it is don't go wrong.

Jacob K. Mead:

When you're looking outside of a plane, you're looking down or like, oh man, I don't know if I can do this, but then there's so much just a feeling of like accomplishment. Well, how do you get the ball? You're like I got this, I did it, so you know that's awesome, I love that you. You talk about that time is so I mean, it really is so precious and you know, finding that like sweet spot of okay, I need to put someone in place to do this for me. That can be challenging sometimes it can, especially if the person has like a different mindset than you. Sure, so as far as like figuring out that team or putting that team in place, how do you go about doing that? What's like the best way to make sure you have a team that has a strong mindset?

Mensur Pudic:

You know, the best way is trial and error. You know, sometimes you're gonna have people that might not see the mindset that you see in the process of building your business, but they might actually give you something to think about, that you can create out of your business Things that you don't want. You know, and that's one of those things I always tell people always look at the positive, even if it's a negative situation. Look at the positive because you'll grow from it. And when we make mistakes, you know sometimes it's you know people. You know they take it to heart. They feel bad and I tell them well, do you know everything? Are you supposed to know everything? And they say no, and I tell them relax. You know, but when you're building a team, you wanna make sure that you start off with your objective. What is the end result that you want? That way, you have people that you know you can collaborate with. Do they bring ideas to the table? If they don't bring up ideas, you know everything starts from an idea. So if they don't bring ideas, that team's not gonna go anywhere. And definitely you want people you know that have different skills, because what's gonna happen is when you have different people and you have different skills, you can incorporate them together. You know where they work like a team because somebody's gonna be better at maybe that, the technology aspect of it, where somebody's better with strategies. But when you put those two people together now you have some collaboration. And what happens is when you let people collaborate, that's when they start using their higher mental faculties and ideas come in and processes come in that they could develop for that business and company.

Mensur Pudic:

And just going back on what you said, you made me think a little bit on.

Mensur Pudic:

You know what scares people or makes people uncomfortable.

Mensur Pudic:

You know I tell people to write a list and they don't know why and I do it from the get go because it's a little experiment but I tell them to write 10, 20 things that they fear or that they're uncomfortable with, and then every week I give them an assignment to conquer that fear. It's like I want you to do something that involves this fear, because what happens is they start distorting their perception of why it is that they have that fear and they start overcoming those. And you know, that's where their beliefs start coming in, where they start understanding okay, where did I get this belief? Is it really what I'm seeing, what I'm feeling, what I was exposed to, and that's how they kind of overcome it. And when you have a team and you start putting people together, it's fascinating how people grow and they want to share ideas, because we all want to be heard, we all want to be liked, we all want to be valued. But that's what brings that whole foundation is when you have that interaction between everybody.

Jacob K. Mead:

I love that. I think you made me do a similar practice and I went out and I did it and it's weird how you almost feel afterwards and it's you feel great, and then it's a whole different mindset shift. But it's sometimes just those little things that make the biggest difference. Sure, I just love that, because sometimes people get stuck in this mindset of, hey, I can't change, or that no one knows how to do it better than me, and it's like that's not necessarily true. Yeah, you can change. There's someone out there that probably has been through the same thing you have, if not worse. Yeah, it can give you a different perspective, absolutely, absolutely. It's.

Jacob K. Mead:

What I do in some of my coaching is I will tell a business owner like hey, listen, I've been there and I'm unique in that aspect because I've actually been in the trenches, I've been there, I've done it. I can tell them listen, it gets better. Yeah, or sometimes, like, for instance, my sister, she's starting her own cleaning business and I've given her ideas and she was on the phone and she goes this is tough, this is challenging. I'm like it's not easy. Yeah, there's a lot to it. So you're really growing, especially in your mindset. And then she's telling me hey, I don't have enough time. I'm like, hey, you came to the TimeExpo. Yeah, that's right. Hey, mentor, it's been a pleasure having you on the podcast. You brought so much value. So if somebody listening wanted to find more information about you, how can they do that?

Mensur Pudic:

We're sure you know all of social media. They can go on my website, simply-motivatedcom. You know Ment's with Pooja on Facebook and I have an Instagram and stuff, so they can find me on all the social media platforms. You know, like I said, the website YouTube will be rolling out soon, so they're gonna have a lot of episodes.

Mensur Pudic:

Listen, they're gonna have a lot of episodes and it's gonna be structured on. You know how do people grow, how do people develop, and when people ask me, how is it that you know this client will be right for you? I always ask clients, the clients that I take on are you willing to grow? You know, because you will grow. I mean, that's part of the program. It's gonna make you uncomfortable, but that's part of it. But those are the types of people that I wanna work with. Right, we talk about time. You know you can invest your time and work with people that don't wanna grow and develop, or you can invest time to help people get towards their goals and dreams and what they wanna achieve.

Jacob K. Mead:

I love that. You know it's so important and I'm excited for that YouTube channel. As soon as it comes out, I'm definitely gonna be subscribing, so we'll try and have a link in the comment too, and then we'll link you as well below. So, everybody, hey, this is Jacob K Mead on the Buy Time podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in today and an episode that means a whole lot to me. Made from Mensur, he's been able to help guide me and be able to get me on the path that had better success. So, jacob K Mead, and until next time. Thanks for listening to today's episode. My name is Jacob K Mead, and until next time.

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